Best Friends Help Clear the Storm

Before the storm, all was calm. The trees were swaying, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining. Not a day went by where I was not bubbly. And not a day went by where I did not feel loved. These were the days I showed you I was always happy. And in return, you …

Because of You, I Keep Going!

A year ago, I spent an entire week going back and forth on whether or not I should share something that meant so much to me. Something that changed my life–both positively and negatively. I spent days deciding whether or not this was the right thing to do. However, exactly one year ago, I finally …

No, I Am Not Sorry

A lot of people express their concerns and frustrations when it comes to their friends and families not understanding them. People continuously struggle with wanting to let others know what they’re thinking and how they’re feeling. But they don’t know how to. Whether your friend struggles to explain things because of their anxiety or not–talk …

Decent Human Beings

“It’s not that hard to be a decent human being.” What started off as an angry rant ended up becoming the epitome of my thoughts regarding the dilemma of the lack of or insensitivity of conversations. Someone who has become so important in my life unknowingly incorporated this very simple phrase into the lives of every single girl …

Thank You!

People seek different types of treatment when it comes to mental health illnesses. Whether you choose therapy or medicine, I think having any form of a support system is a key ingredient for improvement in your well-being. As I’ve mentioned before, I kept my problems to myself for years. This bottling up of different concerns, …

Break the Silence!

Mental health …a topic that so many people try to avoid talking about. I’m pretty sure I would lose quite a few readers just by starting my post off with these two words. Yet, those same two words together have become such a defining phrase in my life. I’ll admit that I was among those individuals who …