To the Desi Mummies & Papas

Dear Mummies & Papas: “We’re not supposed to cry in front of our kids.” Hearing these words come out of your mouths is not surprising–but it is still heartbreaking to hear. You do everything in your power to protect us–but we don’t want you to lose yourself along the way. We can’t let you forget …

Beta, Be Strong

Take all the time you need.We know this is hard so please tell us what you need. We will give you the space you crave But will always be there with a hug and lots of love. Just remember to be strong beta. Don’t hold back those tears and don’t ever put up a front. …

Best Friends Help Clear the Storm

Before the storm, all was calm. The trees were swaying, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining. Not a day went by where I was not bubbly. And not a day went by where I did not feel loved. These were the days I showed you I was always happy. And in return, you …

13 Reasons Why: A Hit or Miss

*Warning: there are 13 Reasons Why spoilers and details that may be triggering. If you are struggling and know the contents of this show (mental health, sexual assault, suicide, etc) will make things worse, I don’t recommend reading ahead. As always, I’m always here to talk, and if you or anyone you know needs help, …